Core Values
So I had a long conversation with an old friend of mines who also happens to be a trainer (more experienced than me…). We go into the importance of the core. Since then I make it a priority to ensure that all of my clients give me a full month commitment to strengthening their core before we touch any other part of the body. You can imagine the flack and complaining I get…especially from the men who want to look like 1982 Arnold. NOT HAPPENING!
The core is also known as your stabilizer muscles. They include not only your abs and lower back but your hips, glutes (butt), hams and even a muscle that wraps your spine called the erector spinae. This group of muscles is the most important of all muscles. Especially for WOMEN AND ATHLETES!!! It is where your motor controls start. If fact, it was the first control you learned as an infant, to stabilize your core. CRAZY HUH??? The strength of these muscles directly affects the results of other parts of the body. A strong core helps to increase power, posture (!!!), agility and stability. Posture…nearly every one of my clients tells me they have back problems. I’m talking about people my age and younger, and not just the ones who are in horrible shape. I'm talking about everyday people walking around here who can’t stand for more than 30 minutes at a time because their back will start hurting. IT’S NOT THE SHOES!!! Although bad/awkward shoes can effect posture and lead to soreness in the back, I can almost guarantee you it is because your core is being neglected! People generally don’t focus on it. Not because they don’t want to but because they don’t know how important it is. Yes, even you with the six pack. Your abs and oblique are two of 8 muscles that make up your core. If you train your core consistently it will lead to your upper body/torso being more erect and will help to keep your pelvis, shoulders and spine in the proper alignment.
Here is the test…I want all of you who read this to try this out. Do what we call a plank. A plank is basically push-up position but you use your elbows and forearms to support you instead of your hands. Keep your hips/glutes even with your shoulders. If you can’t picture it, GOOGLE it…I promise you will find a pic and or demonstration. If you start shaking pretty intensely within 12 to 15 seconds…YOUR CORE IS NEGLECTED. You should be able to hold it for at least 20-25 seconds without getting the “shivers”. ENJOY ;)
Great exercises for the core include crunches, planks, supermans, back extensions, Hip Adductors and Abductors, Glute Press and kick backs. Any questions??? Holla at me…LIFE LINE NIGEL
You are more important than ROUTINE and CONVENIENCE