Monday, May 2, 2011

Provide Yourself The Best While Preparing For the Worst...

HOTEP Family…
I know it has been a while and I’m sorry for the delay.  Needless to say, there are things happening right now that got me to thinking...  So there was Katrina, earthquake in Ayiti (Haiti), and then the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.  It got me thinking about the food supply here in the States.   If shit were to hit the fan here in our good ole untouchable states what would you do?  If the food trucks stopped delivering food or the grocery stores closed their doors and we were under Marshal Law, would you panic???  If I was a betting man, I’d say 97% of you would.
Why aren’t more people taking control of the production or THEIR FOOD?   All it requires is time and work.  We come from a people who created for themselves 24/7, 365 days a year. Yet in 2011 we have men and women who are afraid or unwilling to get their hands dirty (LITERALLY!!!).  Let’s ignore the extreme possibilities of a food shortage. Let’s deal with the reality that the majority of food available to you is overpriced, OVER PROCESSED and generally have little to no nutritional value (read labels!). 
Even the fruits and vegetables being grown and sold today are chancy because of the amount of chemicals and pesticides used when growing them.  We have medical conditions rapidly appearing in women of all ages that were unheard of twenty plus years ago.
We’ve even seen a rise in disease and ailments that used to be a concern in the elderly community but have now grown into concern in middle age and even adolescent. Little girls at the age of seven are menstruating because WE are feeding them turkeys that are so doped up with hormones the turkeys actually outgrow the strength of their limbs and are continuously fed on broken legs until slaughter.  In the last two hundred years it appears as if we’ve forgotten how we to take care of ourselves. We’ve become accustomed with the speed and convenience of fast food and microwave dinners. And in turn have compromised our over physical and mental health…OH YEAH, DON’T THINK WHAT YOU FEED YOUR BODY DOESN’T HAVE AN INCREDIBLE AFFECT ON YOUR MENTAL…

It’s time to wake up and do something about our health and eating habits. Aside from the many excuses I hear on a daily basis- “My kids won’t eat the healthy stuff”, “the healthy food is way too expensive”. The list goes on. Keep in mind these are the same people that will overspend on name brand sneakers, cars and clothes.
I'm not telling everyone in the world to live like the Amish, or to be a vegetarian, rawist or Old McDonald the farmer (even though if we did there would no world hunger…WOW).  I hope that all who read this uses it as a wake up call.  Start paying more attention to what you eat.  Do some research, how it is grown, cooked and packaged?  These are questions we should be asking ourselves.  When you buy a car you ask about the safety features.  Think about the babies.   There is too much information out here for people to still be doing the same old shit and paying dire consequences.  I recently saw a video and one of the commentators said, “They are preparing for what’s going to happen, I’m preparing and so should you….in fact, those who don’t prepare deserve what happens to them because there is too much info out here to be surprised”.  That was said by a 55 yr old white man with a PHD.  Not conspiracy brother from around the way…Food for thought, take it how you want.
Lets step up and do better family....Peace

You are more important than ROUTINE and CONVENIENCE