Monday, February 7, 2011


 Can you remember the last time you took time out of your busy schedule for a good stretch?  Not the half stretch you gave yourself when you got off the treadmill, but one that lasted 5 to 6 minutes and you hit every major muscle in the body.  All of my clients are required to stretch five to six days /week, whether they are hitting the gym that day or not.   Unlike all other fitness activities, not only are there no “risks” involved (injuries etc…) but, it helps prevent all of the possible injuries that can occur during physical activity. 
It is common knowledge that stretching can help prevent injuries such as muscle tears and strains, ligament damage and even BONE FRACTURES.   Let me tell you about some of the other benefits that come from a good stretch.   I need the “fellas” to pay attention because for some reason we have the misconception that stretching is a feminine activity.   In fact, you boys probably need to consider some yoga…HELP GET YOUR MIND’S RIGHT because it helps with stress management and mental clarity…but that’s a blog for another day.  Besides the obvious, stretching helps increase the blood flow which in turn helps to provide oxygen to the rest of the body.   To athletes or anyone partaking in a physical activity this is beyond important because oxygen is what helps to regain the energy needed to continue the activity at a high level.  Moving on, it helps to improve your muscle tone, provides a nicer physique, better posture (lessens back pains), and, ultimately a heighten total body performance.  
The key is doing it at the right time.   When being active you should always give yourself 5 to 7 minutes to warm up.  After your warm up take time to stretch before you kick it in gear.   The warm up is very important because if not performed, stretching can lead to the very injuries that they are intended to prevent.  After the work out or game, stretch within 10minutes of finishing while the muscles are still warm.   This will help to elongate the soft tissues and relax the muscles that were stressed during your activity.   I personally wake up and stretch for at least five minutes first thing in the morning 6 to 7 days a week.    My morning stretch is more for the mental benefits and not the physical ones.   Just some food for thought.
So with all that said, I know that %90 of you are still on your NEW YEARS RESOLUTION KICK.  Make sure that you add a healthy stretch to your daily routine.  If you can’t think of any or don’t know how to stretch properly…GOOGLE IT…there are plenty of stretch routines that you can print for free and make a part of your new life. 

Remember, you are more important than ROUTINE and CONVENIENCE

Peace, LIFE Line Nigel

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100%.
    Been coaching and training kids for years, and this seems to be the most difficult message to get across. Kids always want to jump directly into "full speed" game activity. This leads to them becoming adults that do the same thing.

    It also acts as an assistant to increased muscle memory.

    Love the info; keep it moving forward.
